Monday, September 13, 2021

 There is no doubt for me, in September 2021, that the COVID-19 vaccination program has failed and is now a liability to public health.  For now we need to STOP vaccinating.  Do NOT get a booster.

Data from Israel, Iceland, Massachusetts, and the stark comparison of Madagascar and Seychelles demand a course correction.  GIYF.

Martin Kulldorff the Harvard Medical professor specializing in infectious disease outbreaks is worth reading and following on twitter.  He details the superiority of natural immunity versus vaccination in the recent Israeli paper.  The elderly and risk averse may benefit from current vaccines but the specific nature (few epitopes versus a live attenuated vaccine) of these mRNA vaccines (and perhaps conformational changes in the spike protein) make them leaky and ineffective, changing the evolutionary pressures to increase variants.  Continuing vaccinations create a dangerous breeding ground. Please read about Marek's disease in chickens for a preview of what may occur if we do not change course: immune system by subscription.  

We have had course corrections in my career as a vaccinator and we can do it again.

For example the FDA restricted the Dengue fever vaccine (Dengvaxia) a few years ago to children who already had the disease.  When given to naive populations in the Philippines children suffered brutal infections from serotypes due to antibody dependent enhancements (ADE): "leaky" or "nonsterile" vaccines.  Dangerous to the population in Dengue Fever endemic areas, the vaccine has a specific indication and is helpful for children who have been previously exposed.  Dangerous drug but still useful in the very limited documented previously infected population.  Similarly Covid-19 mRNA vaccines should be relegated to the elderly with risk factors.

I used to administer Prevnar7 to prevent pneumococcal disease. It failed to protect. Now we give Prevnar13 and a year later Pneumovax23 to cover all the serotypes.  I hope to get something similar when I go to an old folks home in the distant future.  But there will be more serotypes and likely a new better vaccine.

Current COVID -19 vaccines are manifesting the fears of academic and industry leaders and has prompted career regulators Dr Marion Gruber and Dr Philip Krause to resign from the FDA Office of Vaccine Research and Review.  The early departures of  senior leaders Dr Nancy Messionnier and Dr Anne Schutat from the CDC are an eye opener as well.  

A friend shared data from Scotland suggesting there may be more deaths from the vaccines than from COVID-19.  Between that data and the skyrocketing reports in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) I have shifted my position from hesitant to adamantly opposed and I want to be on the record.

It seems to me, and I'm just a 20 year in the trenches pharmacist not a medical doctor or scientist, that there is no benefit to the mRNA vaccines for the previously infected.  And the VAERS reactions showing up for that population are alarming.  The theoretical mechanism for variant mutation and ADEs is manifesting in realtime in all highly vaccinated countries.

I will not give or receive these vaccinations.  And I urge friends and colleagues to research carefully and do the same.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Lectins, eating Organic and Gut Healing

I've been listening to Zach Bush MD about the importance of tight junctions in the gut lining and a communication network -based on a redox agent he sells called Restore- in the micro-biome.

There is so much to electric potentials, inflammation and redox communication and oxidative stress.

With so much research about the importance of the gut flora with respect to mood, hormones, and disease it is worth googling.

I'm giving Restore a try and also recommitting to using Deflect from Dr Peter D'Adamo to block dietary lectins from causing inflammatory interactions with the glycoproteins lining the cells of each blood group.  I'm blood type O and I feel eating seaweed (bladderwrack) or taking Deflect with meals when out and about really helps my system.

So there's the trifecta: avoid glyphosate by eating organic, use Restore and Deflect.

Obviously there is more to the story but these are three great tools to boost gut health.


Deflect O

Deflect A

Deflect B

Deflect AB

Friday, December 28, 2018

Silver Linings Playbook-- Good grief.

I recently watched "Silver Linings Playbook"-- a 2012 romantic comedy about many things including love and mental illness.  A cute film.

There was a scene where the protagonist takes his medicine just as the trajectory of the character begins to heal.  The scene was meant to be a feel good moment and a marker of success.

At that moment I had a meltdown of my own as I felt my grief over having dispensed so much poison over twenty years.

I spent eight years studying pharmacology and applied therapeutics to help people.  For a year and a half I worked in Sandoz Drug Safety Assessment Lab primarily on a project to mitigate antipsychotic side effects.  I worked at the Keck Center for Integrative Neuroscience characterizing serotonin pathways and also at the Poison Center while in Pharmacy school.  A lot of my life creativity in science and in communication with other health care providers went into mitigating harm in healing.

When I saw the medications I had dispensed thousands of times I broke out crying.  Paused the film. I sobbed and felt the grief of having done harm when I meant to do right. 

I knew when I dispensed them that someday those meds would be described as barbaric. I knew they would someday be derided historically in a similar way we describe blood letting to balance the humors or radiating children's oversized thyroids in the 1950s (leading to adult thyroid cancer) or so many medical superstitions of the past.

"It was the best treatment we had at the time."  "It was the standard of care."  "I was just following (medical) orders."
I still carry deep grief over trying to assist the medical system to get people well by any means possible and yet distributing flawed tools.  Tools less than optimal that simultaneously made the manufacturer and insurance industries a lot of money.

Seroquel, Abilify, Cymbalta, Ambien, Xanax XR to name a few.  Phenomenally expensive and with many soft pedaled risks.  I stayed in my box as a pharmacist until specifically asked by prescribers, patients or family.

I am available for consultation.  Not to dispense.  I can recommend the film.